Details and price of different and unique corporate events in Madrid.

corporate events in Madrid, Spain

Congress, teambuildings and incentive travel are among the most repeated actions for large international and Spanish companies. Year after year, these organizations choose their corporate events in Madrid to launch new products/services or to engage their workers and partners. Are you planning on hosting these type of activities?

In this sense, and according to a report shared by IMEX Frankfurt, the pharmaceutical, automotive and technological industries are taking the lead. However, how could those businesses contribute to a sustainable and responsible way of travelling? What’s the legacy or impact that travellers from these companies could implement in the local communities that they are visiting?

The following paragraphs will help us to explain you how Cooltourspain could target these questions:

What’s the legacy behind the corporate events in Madrid?

To us it’s very important not to just benefit from the money that Destination Management Companies pay for our services, but to contribute with local communities thanks to these payments. That’s the reason why we say that our corporate events in Madrid help fighting injustices.

FYI, we’re alligned with the SDGs by collaborating with public official organisms such as the Madrid Convention Bureau. However, there are other private organizations that share our vision about the 2030 agenda. In your case, how do you commit with that global change?

Cooltourspain is formed by a group of professionals who do not only share their expertise on the tourism field, graffiti and street art, but their specific way ot thinking about topics such as domestic violence, equality or the LGBTQ+ rights, among other examples. We educate people against intolerance and any kind of abuse.

A clear impact into the local communities

activities for all audiences

When we organize corporate events in Madrid for national or international guests, we also invite local citizens so that the impact is offered to those who don’t have the same opportunities as we do. So far, we have collaborated with an NGO called Culturas Unidas and the projects developed were outstanding!

This organization is located in the Spanish capital city. More precisely, in Embajadores district. For those of you who have never heard of it, the area is a melting pot of cultures. Morocans, Indians and Senegalese are the most predominant citizenships on the area, as well as Spaniards.

Our targeted audiences are the ones who would like to participate at any of our services, but couldn’t afford the expenses. For instance, families of 4 or 5 members who live with just one salary, local elders over 75 years old, people who currently live in shelters or in the streets… That’s what we call social responsability, not looking aside when there is a problem.

Corporate events in Madrid that include the 2030 agenda in their core values

Local specialists for your corporate events in Madrid

Let us explain you in which ways our sustainable and responsible corporate events in Madrid try becoming game changers:

– Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education by inviting children, teenagers and adults to learn about contemporary and modern art. That’s to say, graffiti and street art.

– G. number 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women by talking about the street art industry from a female point of view.

– 8: Promote decent work and sustainable growth by hiring professionals on the field and official/licensed guides.

– Goal 11: Make sustainable cities by walking and cycling in all our guided visits, using public transport (metro/bus) where possible. We prefer not using private transfers.

– G. number 12: Ensure production patterns which come from 0 km. producers and local proximity trade.

– 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies, for worldwide development, by talking about multiculturalism, i.e differences in gender, sex, religion, or country of origin.

– Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation by inviting local communities to the “real free tours”.

The commitment from companies to change the world for better

A group of participants painting with stencils and spray cans

It is clear that our corporate events in Madrid wouldn’t be the same without the interest of project managers. They’re the ones in charge or organizing uniques experiences, and we’d like to propose them something. We support organizations that share the same values than we do. 8 years have already passed since we first launched our services.

To us, it’s not only a thing about climate change. All these injustices that we experience/observe in our daily lives, are the ones that need to be solved. Would you like to be part of the change? Join with your partners at unique experiences led by professionals on the field. Please fill in the following form, or contact us via email at or by whatsapp/phone call to +34638399784

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Which activities are offered for alternative corporate events in Madrid?

Whether you’re interested in hiring our services for a group of 20, 30 people, or event for a larger amount such as a congress for 800 participants, there might be something that could attract your interest. Please continue reading about our corporate events in Madrid.

The truth is that the majority of activities offered are related either to street art or the graffiti world. However, due to the growth experienced after the Covid-19, Cooltourspain has enlarged its portfolio. We now count with more professionals involved, including but not limiting to Art historians, Fine Arts bachelors and official guides in town.

Discover the city in a different way thanks to a street art tour around Lavapies district

visiting an artistic mural in the city center

It was in 2015 when we first organized the corporate events in Madrid, and since that time we’ve observed as even the biggest murals have changed. Whether as part of pollution, weather conditions, or other graffiti writers painting on top, the walls are alive! Consequently, we’ll explain you all those differences between what the mural used to be, and how it is now.

Some of our guests are fascinated when listening to the stories shared by members of the local graffiti communities in town. Despite what other artists may think about our job, we’re just speakers of how the scene interacts with the urban landscape. Did you pay attention that there are several small tiles artworks distributed all along the city center? Not only Lavapies counts with them, but also Malasaña and the central district.

Don’t forget that we’re also here to show you the community hubs and spots around Calle Argumosa and Embajadores:

  • Tabacalera, a XIX centurt building which is considered as the graffiti mecca in town.
  • Esta es una Plaza, a unique urban garden next to MPA contemporary art gallery.
  • Dragones de Lavapiés, a social football club that works with children

Live scribbing for all types of congress

Events in Spain and live scribing in Madrid

Cooltourspain is an artistic, cultural, social and touristic project specialized in graffiti and urban art. Besides official guides, it counts with graffiti writers who master their skills on transmitting the customers’ ideas or speech, into a mural painted with markers. All of it, developed live while participants listen to the speakers.

We collaborate with national event agencies such as Nuba, Cititravel, Spanish Heritage, MCI… For your information, the way we use to stand out of the rest is by specializing in such a specific niche as street art is. There might be no other Spanish projects that offer the services as we do. Check other customers’ reviews in our Google My Business profile.

Please note that once the experience finishes, you may request the artworks’ shipping to your offices. Some of our customers prefer to keep the design to decorate their walls, rather than just creating it at the given moment. You may either paint over a cotton canvas, or a plastic one. There are even cardboxes which make the budget a bit cheaper.

Graffiti workshops that require no experience

The next service available at Cooltourspain will best describe your company. Not only because it will include the idea & design you require, but also because it will be painted by the employees who represent your brand. Our corporate events in Madrid use acrilic spray cans over a cotton canvas and tote bags. Of course, your logo and slogan will be included.

We usually work with a rate of 12-15 participants maximum per workshop leader. The event takes around 2 hours to be completed, with all attendees divided in workstations. This means that while part of the group will be practicing and completing the canvas artwork, the rest of participants will decorate their own designs over the tote bags. How would that be implemented?

You’ll find masking tapes of different widths , several color markers, plastic stencils and spray cans over the table. At each position, there will be a bag which includes in the interior a wooden board so that the paint doesn’t get into the other side. We’ll offer you at least 3 samples with our designs, and then it’s all about your creativity and inspiration. You should talk to your partner to received his/her feedback.

Other activities and experiences offered by our official and licensed guides

Official tour guide with a small group

In case you were not interested in offering your coworkers/employees one of our alternative corporate events in Madrid, there always exist the possibility of taking them around the city center, on a history related tour. For instance, walking over any of the following major touristic highlights:

  • Plaza Mayor and Puerta del Sol explained through the years
  • Museo del Prado or Reina Sofia museum
  • Royal Palace or the brand new Galería de las Colecciones Reales
  • Retiro Park
  • Arquitecture tour over Gran Via’s rooftops with a local architect

Price may vary according to the group size. Available upon request. The majority of places require bookings in advance and the use of headsets while explaining the museum’s artworks. There is a maximum group of people per guide.

Cooltourspain’s opinion about the corporate events in Madrid

There is something that we usually do while expressing our opinion. In this case, about corporate events in Madrid. The fact is that we are trully unsatisfied with the current local city council. Why? There is a lack of public walls where people could paint without the risk of being prosecuted. Thus what we would like to state here is that all district within the city should count with those type of open murals.

If politicians want to fight graffiti, why don’t they start by educating people instead of prosecuting them?

We’d love to develop these activities open air, but all what we can do is hire venues where to develop our workshops.

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