Why would a bar use graffiti and street art in Madrid for its decoration?

urban art and graffiti bar madrid

According to Tripadvisor, the Fork and the local hospitality industry, there were 31,398 restaurants last 2019 in Spain’s capital city. As some of you may have observed, the use of street art and graffiti in a bar is popularly extended in Madrid.

Restaurant owners understood that this form of contemporary art and the associated tours could help them increase their sales and revenue. Consequently, they introduced urban art in the organization’s offline marketing campaigns.

Emergent talents develop tailored artworks which fit the needs of each individual business. While some of them focus on the indoor areas, other artists paint on the metal shutters or the building facades.

For instance, these were some of the bars that used post-graffiti for their decorations:

Indoor street art murals painted with graffiti techniques in Madrid bars and restaurants

Firstly, you should know that this guide has been elaborated in collaboration with Madrid Diana, an Italian foodie/influencer in town. Her expertise on the field made us edit an entire post about the graffiti observed in Madrid bars and restaurants.

The styles and painting techniques differ from one place to another. Depending on the gastronomy served, owners chose different artists to paint at the interior.

Naked and Sated (Calle Estébanez Calderón, 3)

Taquen for naked and sated
Light colors decorate the interior walls at Naked and Sated

You’ll find the fine art created by Taquen in a healthy restaurant located next to Paseo de la Castellana. The type of food varies from vegan dishes to pizza, burgers and chocolate based desserts.

The mural project that this Galician born artist painted at Naked & Sated aligns with his style. For example, Taquen is interested on changes, movement and the relationship between people and the environment during the process. That’s how he illustrated people eating, using the typical lines that highlights his artworks.

Meraki Madrid (Avenida de Carabanchel Alto, 138)

Nuria Toll graffiti bar Madrid
Leaves, birds and freedom. Best definition for Meraki

What customers may find appealing in this graffiti bar Madrid is not only their gyozas, burgers and tacos, but also the street art decoration painted by Nuria Toll.

She uses tangram figures and animal patterns with colorful tones. Furthermore, she includes social messages written mostly in Spanish language. This time, she used “VUELA alto, vuela libre” which means “fly up in the sky, fly free”. Isn’t that a great quote to get the attention from guests?

Superchulo (Calle de Manuela Malasaña, 11)

Stencils used at Superchulo
Chefs at work on the left hand side. Street art mural in the background.

If we would have to describe this restaurant to somebody who hasn’t been here before, we would tag it as modern vegetarian canteen. As it is located in one of the coolest and most hipster neighborhoods in town, the gastronomy offered is a mix of international flavours with a regional touch.

Its name refers to ‘Chulapos’, typical Madrid dance style from the XIX century. Superchulos used a stencil (plastic based layer) to create the woman’s face. On top of that, her expression highlights a surprise moment.

NAP Madrid (Calle de Manuela Malasaña, 11)

Napolitan pizza in Madrid
Okuda’s classic colorful patterns

Next graffiti bar what to see in Madrid is an original Napolitan restaurant. Differently to what you’ll find in many other Italian resturants, NAP only focuses on pizza. They do not serve pasta plates. NAP’s specialties are cooked in a wood oven at high temperatures.

Would you be able to identify the artist who painted the restaurant’s interior walls? His name is Okudart, one of the most famous Spanish contemporary art artists. The ad campaign that NAP used clearly impacts on the number of visitors, as some of them go just because of the fact that Okuda painted there!

Eccolo (Calle de Embajadores, 28)

pizza place in Lavapies district
Spray painted mural created by Ze Carrion

Last but not least interior decoration belongs to Ze Carrion. His special interpretation of the last supper will have an impact on you! Mr. Carrion used the mirror on the right side of the image to create a reflection that doubles the number of people on the artwork.

As you may be aware by what the guests are eating on the image, Eccolo’s best seller product is pizza! They elaborate it with wheat BIO seeds. This graffiti bar Madrid is in the middle of our street art tour Madrid. Haven’t you participated in it already?

Madrid’s outdoor graffiti decorations found in a bar

Secondly, we will discuss about those restaurants who attract customers right from the entrance. For example, you will find artworks created directly on the metal shutters or walls with spray paint.

Artists decorate them either on a commission base or during a street art festival. The most famous in town are CALLE Lavapiés and PINTA Malasaña. In between the two of them, there are over 100 stores and bars which participate in each edition.

The difference that would exist between a graffiti decorative bar in Madrid and a restaurant participating at a festival is that the former pays, whereas the latter doesn’t. They just offer the artists a spot where to develop their creativity.

La Sanducherie (Calle de Sta. Teresa, 1)

sandwiches in a graffiti decorated bar in Madrid
Image the sandwich served in this graffiti bar Madrid

NSN997 is the urban art project behind this massive sandwich! Their black and white decoration offers a unique identity to the place. The members of this street art crew were born in Italy, although they are based in Madrid now.

La Sanducherie’s average price rounds the 10€ per dish, but they also offer salads and entries. Moreover, you should not miss their Travis Pastrami! It has beef, sauteed onions, arugula, Gouda cheese and mayo-deli.

La Lata de Cascorro (Calle de Embajadores, 1)

graffiti bar Madrid, Embajadores
Artist at work. Painting with acrylics

Lastly, we wanted to mention La Lata in Plaza Cascorro. It is a meeting point for many local madrileños (the name that refers to citizens born and raised in town). More than a restaurant, we would define it as a bar with a special touch for art as you’ll also find artistic exhibitions at its interior. Check the time in Madrid that this bar opens.

La Lata participates at CALLE Lavapiés, the street art festival that brings color to Embajadores neighborhood streets.

Cooltourspain’s opinion about the graffiti bar Madrid

Our team members love to observe that street art is not only used with a social purpose, but also with a marketing sense. Urban art may help increase sales to any business if used appropriately. Don’t you think so?

We appreciate their interest in bringing art to the city center districts. Cooltourspain loves recommending places where to eat to our guests!

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