How do we organize a graffiti workshop for different audiences?

graffiti workshop for all audiences

Have you ever felt super curious about how graffiti artists create their art? Are you familiar with the techniques, but you haven’t had the opportunity to elaborate a street art wall? Join now our graffiti workshop to participate in an alternative experience.

Let us give you some insider information about the activity. FYI, the activities for teenagers are the perfect gift for birthday presents.

 What is a graffiti workshop?

A graffiti workshop is an immersive experience in which a person or a group of people can get hands to work. It’s an activity that can help you become familiar with graffiti techniques and styles, as well as encourage teamwork and learning skills to be used in other settings.

What are the stages of a graffiti workshop?

17 years old guy using a spray can
Guest photographed while painting in the wall with a spray can
  • Settling in and getting ready for action. Introduction to the graffiti workshop and safety instructions.
  • Stencil design. Development of a stencil graffiti with hard paper and use of box cutters to create it.
  • Background coloring. A graffiti wall requires patterns and we will show you some designs you could do for this workstation, although creativity is required!
  • Spray painting the stencils on the backgrounds.

Where does this street art experience take place?

Street art artists explaining the steps
Picture taken by Gerzu, our amateur street art photographer

Our Graffiti workshop takes place in artistic spaces spread around key locations of Spanish cities where our services are offered: Madrid, Barcelona and Málaga.

We regularly collaborate with coworking spaces and event venues for DMC and MICE groups organizing team buildings.

Which relevant aspects should I take into account before participating in a graffiti workshop?

Painting materials used at the graffiti workshop
Montana spray paint is used in our graffiti workshop

One of the most important things to take into account before hiring our graffiti workshop is that it doesn’t matter if you have never used a spray can previously in your life, or if you are a pro (definitely not your first time spray painting).

What technical aspects will I learn?

Some people think graffiti is easy, some others believe it is too difficult. Cooltourspain’s graffiti workshop will share with you some tips to take out the artist who’s inside you:

  • How to create a stencil?
  • Which ways do exist to create patterns?
  • Ways to use the spray paint

What non-technical aspects can you take out from a graffiti workshop?

Participants cutting hard papers
Box cutters are used in order to develop the stencils

Creating a graffiti wall in Madrid, for instance, is both exciting and interesting. First of all, we’ll show you the formulas for success:

  • Following directions: working collectively requires teamwork.
  • Communication is an essential part of the process, as well as listening your team members.

Why should I take part in this alternative experience?

1-. A bonding experience for a group exercise.

First layer, background image
Two participants sharing ideas to develop the background coloring

Participating in a graffiti workshop is both fun and enriching. It will help developing social relationships between groups of friends, relatives or event business men/women.

What kind of groups have ever joined any of our graffiti workshops?

  • Corporate members in a business meeting.
  • Middle and high school students
  • Friends celebrating a hen do/ bachelorette or a bachelor party.

2-. Self confidence in one’s artworks.

Teenagers participating at the graffiti workshop
Educational group picture

You are capable of creating anything you plan. If everybody started working that way, better things could have been achieved. That’s why we always use positive words to encourage self-confidence.

Cooltourspain team members have previously worked as educators. We know that hands-on projects work better!

You’ll receive a souvenir to remember this special activity. Take a tote bag created by you back home.

3-. Become an artist for a day.

It's not bad, it's different
Final outcome of the graffiti workshop

The majority of our participants have previously seen graffiti in the streets, but they have never experienced it & become part of the process.

It’ll be thanks to our graffiti workshop that…

  • You will value a little bit more the effort it takes to create a graffiti piece, whether created illegally or commissioned.
  • You will feel encouraged enough to make this for the first time!

Cooltourspain’s opinion about the #1 graffiti workshop

This is a unique experience in which we enjoy both as instructors and as participants, since we help our groups with our expertise.

Here is a little thought: when you visit a classic art museum you don’t get to learn how to paint a classic painting or how to make a sculpture. Do you?

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