Street art techniques. 10 secrets still unrevealed.
In order to thanks the community we have been creating in Madrid since 2015, we would like to show our appreciation to you as we have prepared a guide which will show you the best street art techniques in Madrid’s city center. It’s our vision and we would like to ask for your comments and contribution to the matter. It is not definitely trash as we asked you in our title. It is pure art! Enjoy the next 2 minutes of reading about street art in Madrid…
How to recognize the street art techniques?
Ever wondered how street artists develop their work? When do they do it, at night or day hours? We will explain you through this street art guide a few techniques that have been seen in Madrid’s city center. Enjoy it.
1) WHEATPASTE, -newspapers in education.-
Artists who want to avoid the risk of graffiting the streets during the day sometimes use this way to create their performance open-air at night. A mix of water and paste that will make your paper like picture stuck on any wall. Very quick. You should have your mixture and a paintbrush ready for the moment. For more street art techniques such us this one in Madrid, visit our first location revealed here.

2) CIERRES, -metal door shutters.-
A certain amount of stores in Madrid’s city center are updating their services with street art techniques. How? What they are doing is pure offline marketing by painting their metal shutters with their logo or any other inspirational design. Completely legal and it gives color to the streets. You may need to wake up at 7.00 though in order to see the shutters down.
3) MUROS, -whole walls in Lavapiés.-
Madrid is considered to be at the top of the street art industry in Spain along with Barcelona or Málaga. National and international artists participate at Muros Tabacalera every year. MSAP is in charge of the curating process. This event is usally performed around the first week of June. You may find here where is this self-sustained center.
4) PLANTILLAS, -also known as Stencils in English language.-
Another of the street art techniques seen in Madrid is the use of the stencil. It consists of a pre-designed vinil created at home or a printshop with which you spray the wall you want to paint. The tougher the material, the longer the stencil will last for different times. Check an artist called #PORFAVOR if you are in the city center.
5) STICKERS,– an unusual exchange between several countries.-
There is a huge community of artists who exchange their stickers worldwide. Don’t be surprised if you see a famous sticker from your hometown in the center of Madrid. The ISCE crew, Bloo and Titi or Make Cheese are promoting their names in the whole city. For sure you are familiar with them…
6) TILES, -bosh decorations around the corner.-
It is a similar idea to wheatpasting with the only difference that it requires a special glue or concrete to stick the tile to the walls. There are different size of tiles 20×20, 60×40, 60×30 but the performance will only depend on where are you thinking of developing your artwork. #PORFAVORH and #WOLFSTREETART are probably the most famous in Madrid. The latter being very similar to #SPACE_INVADERS.
7) TRAFFIC SIGNALS, -giving birth to a whole new dimension.-
Yipiyipiyeah is a project based in Madrid which has turned the traffic signals into poetry. They give a meaning and a story to each of the boards they decorate. You may have seen them in Lavapiés: The technique used is not that difficult, although it requires a lot of imagination and creativity!
8) FACCADES, -whole structures in the middle of town.-
Walking along Calle Embajadores you will observe a 400 sq. meters performance designed by El Rey de la Ruina. A woman with a broken knife in one hand and a heart in the other. A representation about the break of a patriarchal society (knife) and the values we should have (heart). “Socialmente iguales, humanamente diferentes y totalmente libres”.
9) FIRE EXTINGUISERS, -guerrilla war!-
We love the fact of DIY practices. We love the art created by artists in our streets. We are curious of how people bomb the streets. Have you ever thought about it? There are some videos in Youtube explaining you how to do it. Do you know what we mean?
10) THROW UP, -pure graffiti.-
If you have seen a throw up in different parts of the city center, that would be call bombing, which means that an artist has elaborated his/her artwork at the same night and very quick. Bubble letters are often seen in 2 or 3 colors that create different layers. When a graffiti writer goes out bombing, they’re usually either putting up tags or throw-ups all over their area.
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