The information you wanted to know about any given graffiti mural

graffiti mural in Madrid, Spain

The decorative industry now observes as the figure of a graffiti mural maker is not only of the interest of big brands and global trademarks, but also suitable for small businesses willing to change the aspect of their boring wall. Whether you’re reading this article from Spain, or the United States, the same characteristics will apply. For that reason, we will now show you some aspects to take into account before purchasing one of these services, whoever the artist is.

According to Statista, it is forecast that by 2029 the sector’s market value will surpass 235 billion U.S. dollars. In the same vein, the street art decorations will multiply its numbers all over the world in the upcoming years. Consequently, counting with professional artists will be more available to the open audience. Is that your case? Are you searching for information over the internet to decorate your home?

Today you’ll be able to get insider information about how a wall is prepared and painted. You could even see the artists painting live during our private tours in Madrid. Furthermore, we’ll recall the similarities between the styles used, as well as the quotes for each category. The idea is that by reading this article, you obtain a whole perspective of what does painting a professional graffiti mean. Ready?

What’s the difference between an unpaid and a reimbursed graffiti mural?

The purpose means everything when painting a graffiti mural. On one hand, we could observe how do artists meet up at legal walls, making new friends and enjoying their time while listening to music, barbecuing and drinking. They do it for the love of art. The best spirit and atmosphere. However, you may find the opposite idea. That is to say, artists being hired to paint a certain design over a mettal shutter or any other kind of surface. Despite their natures are different, artists love painting at any ocassion.

Time even matters in the question. In that sense, while some artists paint for the whole weekend in an underground tunnel or in an abandoned spot with friends visiting from other European countries, others have to maximise their time in order to meet a deadline given by the customer. For example, corporate events which demand live sketching or a collaborative artwork with employees. How long could an artist take to paint an 8 square meters wall?

Our expertise on the field will also inform you about what you should expect if you let artists painting on your wall at no cost, versus the cost that they could charge you for a commissioned artwork. People think that we paint for free, but as any other workers, we demend our rights to develop our work based on a decent wage.

How common are the jam sessions in Madrid’s emergent community?

artist painting at a jam session
Foto de un grafitero tomada por Qimono / Pixabay

There is one clear thing about the majority of the current urban artists. The majority of them started painting their tags and throw-ups on walls in an illegal way, but once they were conscious of the money that they could make from painting on demand, they decided to change their way of thinking. Some of them have even kept intact their love for the graffiti mural culture, adapting their discourse to the newest trends.

Similarly to what happens wiith other major European and overseas capital cities, Madrid does not have a clear sense of educating in terms of graffiti. Why? There are not enough walls were kids, teenagers and adults alike may paint without the risk of being caught by police authorities. The fact is that there doesn’t exist a protocol to promote urban cultures in public locations.

Artists usually find abandoned warehouses on the suburbs where they could paint with spray cans and wet paint. For your information, they visit the spot days in advance so that they can prepare the meetups by covering the whole surface in white or any other color. The chosen theme will depend on the crew that hosts the event.

Prices for a decorative graffiti mural

graffiti mural created for a gin lover
This artwork was partly created with aerograph

Taking into consideration that a graffiti mural could be developed over any type of surface, the thing is choosing a basic or a more hyperrealistc decoration. It’s clear that depending on the option you choose, it will be cheaper or more expensive, but artists may work in small rooms as well as in large faccades. The example featured in the above image, illustrates a tailored artwork at the home of a gin lover. The paint was completed with spray cans, acrylics and aerograph. Can you see the effect that the glass creates with its shade?

Pricing will vary depending on the number of sq. meters as well as the quality of the artwork, but you should expect a range of prices between 43€ to 83€ (excluding taxes). Those expenses will cover the labor and materials, but if your demand requires the design of a sketch for your approval, then the quote will increase. If necessary, it’s common that people interested in paying receive at least 3 artwork changes.

The best way to prevent any legal issues between parts is writting down a commercial agreement (contract) and signing it by both parts. Make sure you include any requirements in the form, so that no suprises come at the end. Including but not limiting to:

  • Total amount to be paid upfront. What’s the remaining part to be paid once the artwork is finished?
  • Length and height of the wall. What percentage will be covered with paint? The better if you can attach an image to the contract.
  • What’s the due date?

Is graffiti considered art or vandalism?

is a graffiti mural considered art or vandalism?
Common figures and letters observed in a jam session. Picture by Engyn Akyurt/ Pixabay

We live in the XXI century, but despite what people may think, there is still a lot of intolerance against what’s painted in a graffiti mural. Certain citizens see us as criminals because of what we do. They consider that the color we add with spray cans damage the urban landscape. Moreover, the same ones who criticize us, they then purchase our artworks at contemporary art fairs and modern art festivals. The so called post-graffiti movement was created to offer a professional carreer to urban artists.

There are several examples that could illustrate the relationship between education, the job world and graffiti. For instance, universities currenlty offering in their curriculum several subjects which teach lettering and muralism techniques to their students. Secondly, professional courses available for young artists. Their willingness of making a living out from art, closer.

Lastly, you should know about the consequences in case you’re ever caught. At least, in Madrid, there are several repercussions. However, the next explanation will vary depending on the Autonomous Community or the country where you live.

  • To start with, police may seize the materials you’ve used to paint.
  • Secondly, you will be fined because of an illegal action.
  • Then, you’ll have to pay the expenses for the civil responsability. That is to say, pay for the damage you’ve caused.
  • Lastly, if you’ve ever been caught before, you could end up in jail.

What are the techniques and styles that artists use to paint a graffiti mural?

As a matter of fact, there are several techniques that artists use on their day to day work. Here, the background is important. For instance, it’s not the same having developed your career as a graphic designer or books illustrator, than having painted train wagons (in slang known as ‘wholecars’) while you were a teenager and a young aduilt. The graffiti mural’s outcome will allign with the style that you identify yourself with.

Stencils, paste ups, lettering and 3D methods are commonly used within the artworks. However, the more freehand drawing you use on your job, the more expensive the artwork will be, as well as the more impression you will cause on whoever observes the masterpiece. What’s true is that we’ll always suggest you hiring somebody who could prove his/her paintings with references from other customers.

Do not expect to receive an exclusive draft if you’re then bargaing the price with the artist. Wouldn’t you be annoyed if your boss continuously tried reducing your salary? That’s what we discuss with fellow members of the street art community in Madrid (Spain). It’s discouraging when we deal with penny pinching corporations that earn millions of euros.

Simple figures and illustrations

graffiti mural at Hotel NH, Madrid, Spain
Decorative graffiti mural at a room in Hotel NH, Madrid (Spain)

Photoshop is one of the digital tools that artists use in the previous steps of painting an indoors or outdoors graffiti mural. They could use it to create patterns out of vectors, or to simply present the artwork for the customers’ approval. It’s also used to create tailored stencils, that could be later sent to a print shop. Our recommendation is that you use plastic materials if you want to reuse them. Oppositedly, if you just use them once, just purchase them on regular office paper (80-100 gsm).

By the time the template is ready, it’s just a matter of being patient, use a nice cutting board and new blades on your boxcutter. Eventhough it may take a while to perform it at first, you just need to repeat the action. Have you stopped to think about the design created for this well known hotel brand located in our hometown? A Cooltourspain’s team member reproduced Manila Shawls in the upper side of the wall, with cats on their interior. It represents the nickname that people, born and raised in the city, have.

You may request something similar for your business/home, and receive a quote in less than 24 hours. Please send us whatsapp message to +34638399784, an email to or fill in the following form. Add as many details as possible, so that we can send you an accurate estimate.

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An intermediate level graffiti mural

graffiti mural created in 2022
Artwork created with spray cans and wet paint

Later, a graffiti mural could feature a mixture of spray paint, rollers and brushes. Imagine that in order to create this beautiful two-stores street canvas, the artist first created the background colors. Mostly blue, black and brownish tones. If the budget allows for it, then the perfomance will include colors that have been mixed by a machine. Whereas artists who do not count with a big budget will purchase white regular wet paint, to later add color mixers, combining them by hand.

As you may observe, the artistic background is completely different. In the previous example, graphic designing skills were required, but at this time, the artist created something new out of his mind. Not copied. Apart from that, he added a new perspective to the street where the artwork was painted. It’s from the distance that you’d be able to snap the image as part of a dormitory. Cool, isn’t it?

The use of the paint brush could be checked on the girls’ arms. Can you see how the use a harmonizing color scheme helped highlight several parts of the wall? Even the birds’ shade reflect the artist’s experience. To us, it’s just a hobbie. We found out in 2016 that we could make a living out of what we love most, which is painting.

Hyperrealistic decorations for businesses and individual home owners

hyperrealistic graffiti mural
Decoration at Taberna Alatriste, Madrid city center

Last but not least, this illustration painted at a city centered restaurant in Madrid corresponds to our most exclusive type of decoration. Although you cannot observe the whole image, this caption is one part of the eight existing. You can now image what the cost of it was. The artwork includes a quote from Las aventuras del Capitán Alatriste, a famous novel written by Arturo Pérez-Reverte.

This is an artwork, and it should be promoted and protected. Not just because we say so, but because other fellow art professionals consider that these paintings could perfectly fit in a museum. Don’t you think so? For your information, those requests which demand us a high quality ending are offered an extra quality choice. That’s to say, a special coating applied after the painting. It’s made of a barnice mixture and it prevails the paint over vandalism and bad weather conditions.

Cooltourspain’s opinion about the graffiti mural industry in Madrid

We’re committed with the development of an underground cultural scene. In order to achieve that, we always use this last paragraph to make a demand to the local city council. Every district should count with a legal graffiti mural so that teenagers and young adults practice without risk. It won’t be until then, that local authorities will understand how to become allies with the street art movement. What do you think?

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